Want to Sell Your House for Max Market Price?

Do you want to get full market price and sell your house in the shortest amount of time? You can list your home with zero hassle. However, the saying, “nothing in life is free” is true. Hiring the right team with the most effective marketing formula and putting a little effort on your part in preparation goes a long way to putting more money in your pocket.

It’s like when you get ready to sell your car. If you sell it “as-is” with repairs needed and dirt and trash filling the cracks then chances are you’re not going to sell your car for the best price. It will also take longer to sell. There are fewer buyers that can see past the trash. On the other hand, if you fix broken items that you know will attract attention and clean it up it will sell quicker and at a higher price.

The same principle is true for your home. You can “sell fast and easy” as many real estate services advertise but you’ll probably sell for less then what you could have if you hired the right team.

We’ve spent more then 20 years on this journey…so you don’t have to.

Our marketing formula takes you on a smooth roadmap that concludes with the successful sale of your home to the best buyer for the highest price in the shortest period of time.

Our formula is reliable, even in times of uncertainty. It’s an actionable process of 3 distinct phases of work that our team carries out for your benefit.

We live in a world where fast and easy can hurt you in the short and long run. Trying something “too good to be true” might be ok if it’s a new flavor of ice cream, but not something as big as the sale of one of your largest assets.

Let us take you through our process to show you how we can get you top market price for your home.

Top 3 Tips to Sell Your Home for Top Market Price

A few things you can get started on right away;

#1 Staging


You’ve heard it a million times from friends, relatives and the real estate agent down the street. You have to de-clutter if you want to sell your house for a decent price. This is true. How can a buyer even want to make an offer on your home if they can’t see it behind all of your stuff?

Now, herein lies a major problem. This is not stuff to you. It’s your valuables, your memories, the anchors to your soul if you will. I know it’s tough. Here’s three tips that will get you through this process of clearing away all of your “clutter”.

  1. Go through one room at a time. Make three piles. They consist of the trash can, goodwill bin and storage bin. As you go through each room put every single item in one of those 3 piles. Label each bin and stack them somewhere out of the way such as in the garage. And yes, it’s perfectly fine to have a million bins that are labeled in a nice and neat stack.
  2. After you have cleared out a room it’s time to assess your furniture situation. Get rid of old unused items. A good process for this is to list it on a local marketplace such as Craigslist of Facebook. List it for a week at the price you think it’s worth. If it doesn’t sell then lower the price until it sells or until you have to haul it to the Goodwill or the dump. Get rid of as much furniture as you are willing to part with. The more open and clean you can make your home at this point the better.
  3. Now that you’ve cleared away your clutter and outdated furniture it’s time to paint and assess the flooring. Paint does wonders to make your home look new and smell new again. The same is true for your flooring. If you have hardwood you may or may not want to refinish it. Often buyers will want to refinish it according to their decor preference so even if you think your hardwood could use a refinish it may be best to hold off on this one. If you have carpet then by all means replace it. Carpet not only gets dirty quickly it also smells especially if you have pets. The cost to replace carpet is fairly low so this one will most definitely bring you a return.

#2 Improve Curbside Appeal

Improving your walk up experience is a huge part of staging. Curbside is all about the experience visitors get from street to front door. Read this article on how our concierge services help your curbside appeal.

Now that your home is listed it’s time to work on your transition.

#3 Home Search

This is a tricky one. If you already have a retirement investment property now is a good time to consider using it for this transition period when you sell your house. You’ll need to notify any renters in plenty of time to allow them time to move and you time to move in. This will give you the added benefit of personally assessing the condition of your rental.

If you don’t have a rental property I can assure you it will work out. You may want to reach out to friends or family to discuss the possibility of you staying with them for a week or two.

In a market where inventory is low you’ll most likely sell quickly. If you have cash reserves this will make the buying process a easier. If not, everything can be negotiated. This is where an expert Realtor comes in handy. It is a very tricky thing to secure a home offer when your home is not yet under contract. The lower the inventory the stronger your offer has to be.

You can certainly look for a property when yours is listed. You can even make an offer with a pre-qualification letter from your lender. A pre-approval letter is even better. If your up against other buyers that have cash it will be more difficult to win the offer. A professional real estate agent will know how to position your offer to win. They will also know how to navigate the closing and move in dates.


Once you have secured an offer on your next home it’s time to focus on logistics. The effort you put into staging your house for sale will bring relief and make you happy you invested your time beforehand. All of your bins are labeled and ready to go in your garage. You’ve lightened the load by getting rid of furniture. You may need to use a storage area for a month. Or your real estate agent may be able to negotiate a great move in date so that you don’t need interim storage.

Professional Help

You will want to hire a moving company to help on move day. Your agent will be coordinating your buyers through the final inspection and walk-through. They will also coordinate both of your closing dates; closing for your buyers and closing for your purchase.

Your Realtor will do a lot of heavy lifting in following up on details, lenders, inspectors and keeping all title companies up to date as you move through the process of selling your house. If there needs to be an adjustment they will communicate that to all parties. This will give you peace of mind and free you up to think of things like where is your dog going to be through all of this and where did you put that extra garage door opener?

Best Time to Sell House

The best time to sell your house is when it’s a sellers market and you need to change the size or location of your home. If this is your situation you’ll win big time.

If it’s a sellers market but you don’t need to change the size of your home or location then just stay put. In this case you would not make any financial gain.

Another good time to make your move is when interest rates are low. This opens up the opportunity for you to change the type of home and lower your interest rate. In some cases you can even move into a larger home but keep the same monthly mortgage payment as you had with the smaller home.

If you are downsizing you can remain in the same area but will most likely not change your mortgage. When you downsize and move out of a popular area and out into a more rural area or less popular area you will be able to pocket a large amount of your equity. This is one way to set up a good retirement fund.

If you are relocating to a less popular area you will also make out financially. This can be the case if you’re taking a job in a less populated area. You can move into the same or better home and receive the equity surplus from the sale of your home.

If your moving into the Nashville area our team of relocation specialists can help you find the home that fits your needs the best.

Our home sales team will get you top market dollar and help you relocate if you are moving out of the area.

Whether you’re moving in or out we endeavor to make your move as smooth and stress free as possible.