Veterans Day

Holidays·1 min·

In honor of Veterans Day, this is a huge “Thank […]


In honor of Veterans Day, this is a huge “Thank you!” to all veterans who have served, are serving, and will serve.

I’m a Navy brat. My Dad served three tours growing up. Operation Desert Shield, Operation Desert Storm, and the Persian Gulf War. Every time he would go out on tour, I would ask where he was going. He would always respond with, “can’t tell you because if I told you, I’d have to kill you.” Joking, but not joking.

I know firsthand what it’s like to be the family left behind. Praying that your loved one will return in one piece.

I’ve also lived in and traveled to other countries. Many of them are third-world. I have experience with what it’s like to live in a country other than the United States.

I deeply appreciate all that God has blessed us with here in the US. I appreciate our infrastructure, trash management, city water, sewer services, grocery stores, and banks.

These are held in place by a massive effort of our military.

Dear vets, thank you that I have never seen anything like that in our country. Thank you that I don’t go to bed fearing for my life. Thank you that, at least for now, I have the choice to make decisions about my own life and for my children. Thank you for the freedoms that you work so hard to protect. I for one do not take them for granted.

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